James Dearmore Gospel Web
SPEEDING The Gospel Message On The
"World Wide Web" - 24/7, 365 Days

Editing and Publishing Biblical Material Electronically For the Web.

Mission Photos- Mostly From Africa - Return To Home Page
Some John Newton Writings -*- Some Missions Stories -*- Bible Stories in Simple English
Modern Martyrs - About 465 Daily
-*- Salute to Veterans

Go To Main Index of Gospel Web -*- Important Outward Links

Webmaster's Thoughts, And Thanks To Helpers

19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." --- Matthew 28:19-20
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Home Page
[Georgia at Computer] [Our family in early days of Our work in Congo] [African Sunset!]
[Some Bible Institute students 
by Church, Congo] [Bophuthatswana High School Students]

Some photos from Africa and the USA. Beginning top left, Georgia at computer; family
photo from early days in Congo; beautiful typical African sunset; Bible Institute students by
Church building in Congo; Tswana High School Students where we carried on a ministry in
Bophuthatswana, often preaching to 800 or more standing outside in rows to hear us preach;
Jim at work on "Gospel Web"; Jim baptising in Congo; Jim preaching in the USA; Mud and
grass house in which we lived for years in Congo; the two last photos are Jim after terrorist
ambush in which he was nearly killed, late in our Rhodesian work (bottom right photos).

[Jim at work on [Baptism in Kwango River, Congo] [Jim Preaching at Conference in WV]
[Our mud and grass house in Congo] [Jim In Hospital After Terrorist Ambush] [Jim few days later after Terrorist Ambush]

Jim and

Writing and
For the Web

Pray For
Our Work

Enjoy Our
Web Sites

 Extracts From
John Newton
 General Humor
 Computer Fun
 Modern Martyrs
 Ron Thomas
 Articles By
Jim Dearmore
 Final Journey
 Tributes &
 Church Links
 Texas vs
 Foxe's Martyrs
For Idiots
 No Instruments
 Abbott, Costello
& Windows 95
& Texas
Joke Index
 Holy War
 Bloopers 1
 Bloopers 2
 Bloopers 3
 Bloopers 4
 Bloopers 5
 Mission Life
Support Our
With Gifts to:

RBC James

Ron Thomas, Pastor

P. O. Box 460639,
Garland, Texas
United States
of America

[Dearmore Picture] W E L C O M E
To Our "Gospel Web"

We hope you'll enjoy browsing our site, that you will come back often, and also that you will tell your friends about it as well. You may contact us by email at: , or by "snail mail" through the Church address given at bottom of the table to the left.

It is a great pleasure for us to have you as our guest, visiting our "Gospel Web sites." This site and others we have on the WWW are just one part of our full time WEB PUBLISHING and teaching ministry. We now have MANY THOUSANDS of "items" up. All published materials are of a Christian or Patriotic nature, (with clean Church Humor and General Humor added).

Our hope and aim is to continue to build a larger and larger "web" until we will eventually have tens of thousands of "pages" running, updated often. We hope to build a very large resource for all Christians, with an independent Baptist outlook, but intended to be freely used and helpful to all Christians.

A "Library" of various outstanding Christian Books, Articles, Sermons, Tracts, Poetry and other Biblical and patriotic materials has been built up and published on the "web," which can be read or printed from the web, or enjoyed in various other ways by anyone in the world. Most of the materials are in English only, but "salvation messages" will always be posted and maintained in several languages for the purpose of leading men to know Jesus as Saviour!

In the meantime, as another part of our writing and teaching ministry, we continue to work on materials for future publication, which we believe will be a blessing and benefit to any Christian who reads.

Please pray for this work, and let us hear from you by Email or "snail mail." To just hear from you will be a blessing and great encouragement to us.

MEANWHILE, please accept our WELCOME and thanks for being our guest. Come visit us again often. Our webs will be often upgraded and "added to."

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About Our 33 Years in Africa Missions. . .

We post new material previously unpublished from time to time, here and on other Gospel Web pages. There will be photos, inspiring stories for young and old, and various other interesting things from our 33 years in Africa, as well as many out of print and antique or rare books we have already scanned and plan soon to publish. In that proposed new section of our "web" there will be stories also about our "landmine experiences," the time we were arrested (in Africa) just for "harassment purposes," how we were ambushed and nearly killed by terrorists, various snakes and "creepy crawly" experiences, etc. There was never a dull moment in our years in Africa! WATCH FOR NEW PAGES FROM TIME TO TIME . . We add new items and improve previously posted pages often!!

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About Our Future Plans for This Ministry...
We hope to build our web sites through the next few years into one of the largest Biblically sound Baptist sites on the internet. We plan to keep particular emphasis on "e-publishing" those things which we feel will be useful and helpful to "build-up" rather than "tear down" Christians. We will always be diligent to try to send forth only truth to those who are seeking it in these times of trashy media, low standards, lack of morals and ethics, etc. Although we will NEVER fail to stand plainly, firmly and honestly for what we believe, we will always try to do so in a Christian spirit, and never in a spirit of compromise or unfaithfulness to the teachings of God's Word, the Holy Bible. We have several "web sites" now up and running which are now linked to this one, so that there will always be several sources for some of our materials on the WWW.

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How You Can Support This
World Wide Gospel Outreach
If you wish to support this World Wide Gospel Ministry, you should send Check or M.O. as shown below. You will receive an "Official Receipt" for Tax purposes directly from the Church office. We need your prayers and good will, also. We are a responsible ministry, accountable to our sponsoring Church, which handles all contributions to our ministry. Your contributions go 100% into our work.

James Dearmore Mission Fund
Rodgers Baptist Church
P. O. Box 460639
Garland, TX 75046
United States of America

Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to:
James Dearmore Missions, and the Church Office will send you an official receipt.

If you get a blessing from our work, send a contribution today. In spite of serious efforts to reduce expenses and to increase the regular support for this ministry, we are still far short every month of what is absolutely essential to sustain and continue to "grow" our teaching and "web" ministries. (As we said earlier, we expect to continue to "grow" our "gospel web" over the next few years to tens of thousands of titles or articles, and develop it further. We believe it is already the best all around unaffiliated Baptist site on the world wide web.)

Since I KNOW that God has led us into this web ministry, I MUST also logically believe that God has His people out there whom He will lead to help support this important work on a regular basis. WILL YOU BE ONE OF THOSE?

We invite you to use and enjoy our work on the web, in your own ministry or daily living, and at the same time think whether God would have you to help support this on a regular or an occasional basis. Pray for us and our work, and for us personally! I (Jim) am 81 years "young," and even after 33 years service in church planting and pastor training missions in the African bush, and now 15 years in our present missionary ministry, we are still "going strong" in the service of our soon coming King!

I AM NOT "retired," but still working full time as a missionary on these projects, sponsored by the Rodgers Baptist Church, which sponsored us for so many years in African missions. I generally work over 50 hours weekly on our "Web;" on writing for web publication, or promotimg our Gospel Web ministry, etc., and we need your prayers and gifts both for the missions expenses and for our personal support!

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With Our Helpers And Supporters We Are
[Building A House Of Faith Hope Love][Building A House Of Faith Hope Love]
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1. We believe the whole Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, as the verbally inspired and infallible Word of God. (We accept, use and defend ONLY the KJV as God's Word for English speaking people).

2. We believe Jesus Christ was born of Mary the Virgin, and is the Son of God, and God the Son.

3. We believe that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, the Just for the unjust that He might bring us to God.

4. We believe that He arose from the grave the third day according to the scriptures.

5. We believe that He, only, is the great High Priest, and we need not the intercession of any man, but that Christ ever liveth to make intercession for us.

6. We believe that Christ will come again in Person bodily, visibly, to establish His literal Kingdom on the earth, and that His coming will be both premillennial and pretribulational. Nor do we believe Our Lord needs any help from Reconstructionists, Theonomists, or other "Kingdom Now" people to get the world "under (their) 'Christian' political control" so it will be ready for Him to reign literally over the earth. He can and will, when the time comes, do it all by himself!

7. We believe that in order to be saved, the soul must be born again -- "Ye must be born again."

8. We believe that every truly born again soul should declare his faith by the act of baptism, (immersion in water) setting forth the Lord's death, burial, and resurrection.

9. We believe that the church is a body of baptized believers whose only mission is, not to "reform the world," but to preach and teach the Word of God to the individual soul.

We invite all New Testament Baptist Churches to enjoy fellowship with us on the ground of the Scriptures as briefly outlined in these statements of faith, and to participate with us in this "Web Ministry."

Strictly speaking, a Baptist church cannot belong to any organization. But, it is clearly taught in the New Testament that the churches had fellowship with each other in both doctrine and practice.

! Disclaimer On Items Not Written By Pastor Thomas Or Webmaster !

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