1) Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa will be speaking tonight at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine. Come tonight and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa. 2) Announcement in the church bulletin for a National PRAYER & FASTING Conference. "The cost for attending the Fasting and Prayer conference includes meals". 3) The Rev. Merriwether spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience. 4) The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, "Break Forth Into Joy." 5) During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when J. F. Stubbs supplied our pulpit. 6) Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on "It's a Terrible Experience." 7) Due to the Rector's illness, Wednesday's healing services will be discontinued until further notice. 8) Stewardship Offertory: "Jesus Paid It All" 9) The music for today's service was all composed by George Friedrich Handel in celebration of the 300th anniversary of his birth. 10) The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
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