The Religion Racket
A Look At "Religion" As It Is Today
by Norman H. Wells
Former Pastor, Central Baptist Church, Cincinnati
Now With The Lord

<<==The Late Dr. Norman H. Wells


Webmaster About Book and Author -- "The Religion Racket" by Norman Wells
Foreword -- The Religion Racket
Chapter 1 -- Jesus Christ Versus "Religion"
Chapter 2 -- Habitual Hyprocisy
Chapter 3 -- Hallelujah Hucksters
Chapter 4 -- United We Fall
Chapter 5 -- Crusade in Complacency
Chapter 6 -- Spoiled Saints
Chapter 7 -- Celestial Competition
Chapter 8 -- Child Neglect
Chapter 9 -- The Cupid Cult
Chapter 10 -- Do It Yourself Religion
Chapter 11 -- Hollow Holidays
Chapter 12 -- Wishy-Washy Warriors
Chapter 13 -- Sanctified Sin
Chapter 14 -- By Popular Demand
Chapter 15 -- Baptized Bones
Chapter 16 -- Rejected Revelation
Chapter 17 -- The Missing Majority
Chapter 18 -- Phoney Promises
Chapter 19 -- A Virtue Vault
Chapter 20 -- Painless Extraction
Chapter 21 -- Emergency Religion
Chapter 22 -- Cures That Kill
Chapter 23 -- Sunday Sickness, or Always on a Sunday
Chapter 24 -- Female Trouble Shooters
Chapter 25 -- Point of No Return
Epilog -- Religion Racket (Epilog)

Go to Book by Norman Wells "BURIED WITH HIM IN BAPTISM"

Go to Book by Norman Wells "THE LORD'S SUPPER"

(Many of the other writings, Sermons, Articles, books, etc., of the late Dr. Norman Wells will be posted on our site as soon as we can find time. As noted above, we have been given "exclusive publishing or publication rights" to all of the writings, audio tapes, published or unpublished, of the grand old independent Baptist Pastor.) Some of this material is even still in the form of his own handwritten manuscripts, and it is surprising how much of his writing is STILL today right on the money for real, Bible believing independent Baptists. His writings can, and we believe will be, of great value to any sound Baptist seeking the truths of God's Word and way for men. Brother David Wells, the surviving competent authority and owner of these works of Norman Wells, is eager for his father's works to be published as widely as possible, and for that reason has given us the exclusive publishing rights as mentioned above. If you get a blessing from these materials on this index or on any of Norman Wells works, write us!

If you have comments about these pages of Bro. Norman Wells works, you may send them through the Webmaster: E-Mail James Dearmore, Webmaster, or send directly to David Wells, as you may wish!

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