[Dr. Charles Ashcraft, Evangelist]

The Horse
How To Love
How To Live Another Year
The Word Of God
How To Grow Old Gracefully
The Hitchin' Post
The Atonement
Animal Brain Duster
From My Observation

[GospelWeb.net Globe]


By Charles Ashcraft

There's a time and a place for a horse to stand,
But none were the choice for dear Old Dan.
When I rode up to a hitchin' post,
That was the place that he hated most.

Though you wrapped the rein and tied it twice,
This would old brainy Dan surely entice.
In a minute or two after you were gone,
Old Dan once again was moving on.

His lips were nimble his teeth were good,
And untie a knot he surely could.
The Hitchin' Post as you can see,
Was the very last place Dan wanted to be.

So it is with folks in this world of sin,
There's a lot of places they might have been.
But along the road in this worldly race,
The Hitchin' Post was not their favorite place.

On down the road were pastures green,
But at the Hitchin' Post the pickin' was lean.
Old Dan was smart, take my advice,
Don't wrap your rein round the Hitchin' Post twice.

There are green pastures just over the hill,
You can make it too, if you have the will.
On top of the hill stop off at the Cross,
It's good for you, and won't hurt your Horse.

And having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in Heaven (Colossians 1:20).

From Charles Ashcraft's book, "Straight From The Horse's Mouth"