November 11, 2002
I think of my friend who was wounded in Vietnam. He
may not have wanted to go, but his country called him,
and he went -- and faced atrocities that make Hollywood
movies look tame. Men died in his arms and left their last
wishes in his breaking heart. He came home and was spit
on by liberal democrats. He works for freedom to this day.
I think of my neighbor who flew choppers in Nam. He'd
spend 12 sweaty hours a day getting supplies to ground
troops in hot zones, often under fire, try to sleep, and get
up and do it again. He buried friends who knew a kind of
love only a combat veteran will ever know. When he meets
fellow vets who survived the same conflict, they have an
instant bond that requires no words.
I think of my friend who spent years at sea, in and out of
hostile ports, while his newborn son grew up far away from
his loving eyes and arms.
I think of a member of our gun rights organization stationed
halfway around the world who said he joined because he
wants some rights to come home to.
I think of my grandfather, who was at one point tasked with
picking up body parts after bloody World War II battles.
When he got home, my mother was nearly four years old.
Grandma said my young mother was "afraid of the big, male
I think of the young woman nurse who tended tattered soldiers
in Korea until an enemy mortar disintegrated everything in
sight of the makeshift hospital. She foreswore starting a family
until she got back, which never happened.
I think of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who died
fighting Hitler and his scummy allies and how there are people
in America today trying to put the same kinds of policies in
place that made a Hitler possible.
I think of people living in America who hate the military but
don't mind living under the umbrella of protection they provide.
They don't stop to think about the fact that there are countries
where badmouthing the military publicly will get you killed by
the government -- and that our military keeps that very
government at a distance and keeps a watchful eye on them.
I think of the countless grandmothers, mothers, sisters and
daughters who've cried, their souls in pieces, as their servicemen
loved ones paid the ultimate price defending a freedom many
"Americans" not only take for granted but seem willing to kill
or let die.
I think of a fine human being I knew who wasted away from
cancer and assorted horrid nervous system maladies due to
mustard gas poisoning. He was still getting abused by liberal
democrats 20 years after returning from Vietnam for having
done what his country asked him to do. He never once spoke
badly of them; he said it was their right to hate him and say so.
I think of the thousands of Gulf War Veterans who were
subjected to chemical weapons and came back, got sick and
in countless cases died as a result of what many now call Gulf
War Illness -- and I think of the federal government's blatant
coverup of the whole entire tragic fiasco.
I think of the dead on the U.S.S. Cole attack, how people say
we shouldn't have a presence in that anti-America hostile
territory -- the same people who watched Islamic freaks crash
planes into the World Trade Center but who believe our nation
should do nothing in retaliation, merely because the cowards
behind the act didn't have the guts to stand up and take
I think of a few hundred firemen and policemen in New York
City and see those men and women -- marching toward a
building from which everyone else ran as fast as they could --
as veterans of a war brought to our shore. And I think of their
families and friends -- and the many children left behind in the
wake of their passing. And I wish those pilots had been armed
that day.
I think of what you can find at most any VFW post: men who
lost limbs, men who lost friends and family, men who've lost
families because they couldn't put the pieces together when
they got back. Men who died on the battlefield but came back
anyway, because they were still breathing. And men who just
want to be around other men who understand.
I think of the cop who'd previously served aboard a naval
vessel in places many of us would never want to go even if all
expenses were paid. As a police officer, his job was
confronting the city's pain, and he did it without complaining.
I think of the Medal of Honor he should have gotten for the
child he rescued from a perverted, violent kidnapper even
though it meant he had to take two bullets and lose partial use
of an arm for life.
I think of the great leaders throughout American military history
-- heroic, and unsung -- who've innovated and agitated to make
sure fewer visits had to be paid to worried mothers whose
worst nightmares had just come true.
I think of all of the dog tags sitting on the bottom of all of the
oceans and seas of the world that have real names on them.
I think of the colonial mothers who gave not only their husbands
but all of their sons -- because they had to fight for the Republic.
I think of the men under General Washington who literally ate
boot leather to keep from starving to death but got up and
fought on when it was time, their frozen bodies aching for
And I think of all of our domestic servicemen and women who've
never officially served in the armed forces but who stand armed
and at the ready in the unorganized militia clearly and officially
enumerated in Title 10, Section 311 of the U.S. Code. They
work feverishly with spare time and money to assure that their
rifle skills aren't needed here, that the fascists, socialists and
outright communists in America fail in their obvious missions
to undermine everything that makes America unique unto all the
world. The unorganized militiamen and women are the modern
domestic guard, and they perform their thankless tasks while the
media tries to paint them as downright evil -- even though the
spirit that drives them is one of overriding love for all that is good.
Being a veteran is ultimately about defending freedom, and
freedom is ultimately about rights. In the war being waged against
rights in America, there are many who labor and toil to defend
our most sacred of rights: the right to defend ourselves, our
families, our communities, and, if need be, our very liberties.
The last word on liberty's defense was enshrined in the Second
Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Let us pray we use our First
Amendment rights so effectively as to never have to resort to
the Second -- but let us remember why the Second was really
put in place. And let Liberty's Enemies remember it, too.
There are no words one can offer to the veterans who've already
paid with their lives for Freedom; they are gone from us, their
gifts cherished. Their presence lives in their descendants, and
their spirits touch us all. May we remember them -- and put
their ultimate price to work to extend their message.
As for today's servicemen and women and those retired from
active duty who still live, one can only hope you have people
in your life who will look you in the eye, embrace you with
warmth and genuine enthusiasm and say something that conveys
deep gratitude and appreciation. We salute you on this fine day
and count you as a 21st century patriot.
--- Reprint permission granted, just make sure it reaches vets.