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The Gospel - 24/7
Still An Urgent Need To Plant, And
Urgent Need To Strengthen Existing Churches
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"In 1900, there were 27 churches for every 10,000 Americans. By 1950, there were only 17 churches and by 1985, this number had slipped to just 12 churches for every 10,000 people. In the year 2000, it is expected there will be just 10 churches per 10,000 people here in America.

Part of the decline is due to the significant increases in population. We are not starting new churches as fast as the population is growing. But another reason is the fact that over 4,000 churches die and go out of business each year. In addition, 85% of existing churches are plateaued or declining. New churches must be started to replace those which die or which are no longer healthy. (I want to interject here that new Independent Baptist Churches are needed to also replace those who have departed from the faith and/or compromised the Word of God and are no longer effective in reaching lost souls for Christ).

Church planting can revitalize existing churches as people tend to get excited when they learn that their church is going to become a 'mother' church by giving birth to a new church. The starting of new churches in America strengthens missions around the world It creates new enthusiasm and interest in missions. It provided new workers and generates more dollars for missions through the praying and giving of the people in the new churches.

Moreover, church planting at home ensures a strong base for foreign missions. Unless the home field is maintained, the foreign outreach will eventually decline. Jesus commanded us to work to reach our "Jerusalem" even as we are giving to reach the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8)." (Baptist Church Planting, April 6, 1999)