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(Written by James H. Dearmore, and Approved by Ron Thomas, Pastor, Rodgers Baptist Church)

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As Webmaster, we try to select things for the "Gospel Web" sites Gospelweb which we believe will be a blessing, encouragement and inspiration to our readers of these sites.

In some of the items used on one or all our sites there may be some portions of the material with which we do not totally agree, or which does not entirely fit into our Theological beliefs and practices, but which we believe are still worthy of discerning reading and enjoyment by Christians everywhere.

For example, we would on a few points disagree with Bro. Charles Spurgeon, but he wrote and preached some of the greatest sermons and articles ever written on gospel subjects, and it would be ridiculous not to include his materials whenever possible on any Christian resources page.

The same is true of J. C Ryle, and many others we won't name. Bro. Ryle wrote perhaps the greatest book on Christian Holiness ever written outside of the Bible itself, and preached many wonderful sermons on Salvation by Grace alone. Every Christian and every Pastor should read his book on "Holiness" and some of his other writings, but he was not a Baptist, nor was he "baptistic," (whatever that means).

We will be posting many items or titles, linked on one or several of our sites, which do not entirely agree in every detail with what we believe the Bible to teach, but which we believe were written by sincere Christians, who loved the Lord, and were His children.

We are independent Baptists, and NOT ashamed to say so, but neither are we "mad" at everybody else about it. We accept the KJV as God's written Word for English speaking people without reservations.

For details about our beliefs and practices, we invite you to go to the Rodgers Baptist Church site, which you may access simply by "Clicking" the following "Hot Link": "Click Here"

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Jim Dearmore 33 yrs in
Africa, now web publishing.
The Baptist Top 1000

"The time is fulfilled, and the
kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the
gospel." - - Mark 1:15

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