The Twentieth of September.
"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." --- John 3:3.
Consequently no outward form of religion will do; but we must be renewed by the Spirit of God, and have our hearts changed, else we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Christ, by saying, Verily, verily, has confirmed this twice by an oath. How is it possible, then, that mere honest and moral men can be saved? Will Christ break his double oath?
No, surely. Now, when outward gross vices only are blamed in conversation or preaching, a moral man slips through the law without censure, and the careless think they can leave off their sins one time or another; and so none are duly concerned to be thoroughly converted; but the new birth and a real change of heart being insisted upon, and held forth in this only true way, every one who will be saved must be turned.
The second Adam shall restore
The ruins of the first;
Hosanna to that sovereign power
That new creates our dust.
When from the curse he sets us free,
He makes our natures clean;
Nor would our Saviour come to be
The minister of sin.
His Spirit purifies our frame,
And seals our peace with God;
Jesus and his salvation came
By water and by blood.
Devotion for September 20