The Seventh of June

I WILL HEDGE UP THY WAY --- Hosea 2:6,7

"I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths; and shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now." --- Hosea 2:6,7.

As it is only with thee, O my dear Saviour, that I can be happy, I would never leave thee any more; and that I may not slip from thee unawares, even under good pretences, I desire to have my way hedged up, and be encompassed everywhere with thorns.

Let me quickly discover and crucify every thing which would give the least disturbance to the enjoyment of thy love, that I may always closely walk with thee alone, and never take a step out of thy way, for fear of running myself into the thorns, and bringing unnecessary sufferings upon me; though I do not mean to avoid the cross of Christ in other respects, but would willingly submit to any sufferings which are never without good fruit.

Glory be to thee, O my blessed Saviour, that thou hast not given me up yet, and suffered me to run into destruction in my own ways! Oh be pleased to restrain me evermore; and whenever I am in danger of sliding into the broad way, let me find no rest till I am brought back, though it be through the briars of affliction.

I know thy judgments, Lord, are right,
Though they may seem severe;
The sharpest sufferings I endure
Flow from thy faithful care.

Before I knew thy chast'ning rod,
My feet were apt to stray;
But now I learn to keep thy word,
Nor wander from the way.