OFFER HIM THERE --- Genesis 22:2. C. H. V. Bogatzky's Daily Devotions April 21.

The Twenty First of April.

OFFER HIM THERE --- Genesis 22:2.

"Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt-offering." --- Genesis 22:2.

Abraham desired earnestly to see into the mystery of redemption; and God to instruct him in the best manner humanity is capable of receiving instruction, in the infinite extent of Divine goodness to mankind, who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, let Abraham feel by experience, what it was to lose a beloved son: - "Take now thy son, thine only son, thine Isaac, the staff of thine age, the hope of thy family - none else do I require - and offer him up for a burnt offering; and in this transaction see my love to sinners, when I shall give up my only Son Jesus as a sacrifice for them."

Abraham obeyed; he virtually sacrificed his son; a ram was substituted in his place, and blessings are poured upon the faithful patriarch. In the whole story we have a lively type of greater things.

We have seen the day when God spared not his own Son, when he was bound with cords, when he bore his cross, and on this mountain, probably on this very spot, was offered up an offering for sin; when he, triumphant, over the grave, rose again to live for evermore, and saw his seed, even his redeemed people, whom no man can number, and whose possessions are the glories of heaven and eternity.

And now, my soul, meditate on these things. Art thou a son of Abraham? is there in thine heart a darling sin? God spared not his Son for me, and shall I spare what he commands to sacrifice? No, gracious Saviour, no. Help me to be faithful, to keep back nothing from thee. Search the ground of my heart.

When thou hast tried me, crown the faith thou hast bestowed, and the obedience thou hast wrought, with that unfading glory thou hast promised to them that are faithful unto death.

I thank thee, Father, for the gift
Of thy beloved Son;
Now bid me give myself to thee,
And live to thee alone.