The Fifteenth of April.THE LORD'S DAY --- Revelation 1:10; Exodus 20:8."Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." --- Exodus 20:8. "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day." --- Revelation 1:10. Reader, I know not who or what thou art; but may the God of all grace bless this meditation to thy soul! Perhaps thou art a careless sinner, who to this day has trifled with sabbaths? Oh, do not profane the Lord's day any more: but if thou hast any value for thy soul, attend upon this worship, and desire to be "in the Spirit" on this day: then wilt thou see and feel thy malady; look to Jesus for pardon, and sabbath days will become precious to thy soul. Perhaps thou art, a self-righteous Pharisee, punctual in outward services: so far is praiseworthy; but awful is thy mistake, if thou makest any outward service the ground of thy acceptance, especially as the language of the day is, "In the Lord have I reighteousness and strength;" and so wilt thou say if "in the Spirit." Or thou mayest have been a splendid professor, but now a grevious backslider; oh mayest thou be "in the Spirit on the Lord's day;" then thou wilt look to God for pardon, to Jesus for fresh sprinklings of his blood, and to the Spirit for quickening influences. If thou art a believer under sharp trials, mayest thou be "in the Spirit;" then, when tribulations abound, consolations may abound also. If thou art a believer walking close with God, rich in knowledge and experience, thou wilt wish to be "in the Spirit," that grace may be magnified, Jesus more Loved, and his name more honoured. Reader! Whatever thou art, whether a master or servant, parent or child, if thou wishest to be "in the Spirit," and wouldest have thy temporal and spiritual concerns prosper, make conscience of keeping the sabbath day holy. The sabbath is design'd, I know, |