IN HIM WAS LIFE --- John 1:4. Bogatzky's Daily Devotions March 15.

The Fifteenth of March.

IN HIM WAS LIFE --- John 1:4.

"In him was life; and the life was the light of men." --- John 1:4.

Whatever notional knowledge men may have of Divine truths, as they are docrinally proposed in the Scripture; yet if they know them not in their respect unto the person of Christ, as the foundation of the counsels of God; if they discern not how they proceed from him, and centre in him, they will bring no saving, spiritual light unto their understandings; for all spiritual life and light is in him, and from him alone.

The difference between believers and unbelievers, as to knowledge, is not so much in the matter of their knowledge, as in their manner of knowing.

Unbelievers, some of them, may know more, and be able to say more of God, his perfections, and will, than many believers; but they know nothing as they ought, nothing in a right manner, nothing spiritually and savingly, nothing with a holy heavenly light.

The excellency of a believer is not they he hath large apprehensions of things, but what he doth apprehend, which may perhaps be very little, he sees it in the light of the Spirit of God, in a saving, soul-transforming light.

And this is that which gives us communion with God, and not prying thoughts, or curious raised notions. In this knowledge, Lord, give me to increase every day!

Dear Lord, annoint my head and heart,
And light and life bestow on me,
Light that will gospel truth impart;
And life to make me live to thee.