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On Restoration of The Jews
By C. H. Spurgeon

"I am not now going into millennial theories, or into any speculation as to dates. I do not know anything at all about such things, and I am not sure that I am called to spend my time in such researches.

I am rather called to minister the gospel than to open prophecy. Those who are wise in such things doubtless prize their wisdom, but I have not the time to acquire it, nor any inclination to leave soul-winning pursuits for less arousing themes.

I believe it is a great deal better to leave many of these promises, and many of these gracious out-looks of believers, to exercise their full force upon our minds, without depriving them of their simple glory by aiming to discover dates and figures. Let this be settled, however, that if there be meaning in words, Israel is yet to be restored. ISRAEL IS TO HAVE A SPIRITUAL RESTORATION OR A CONVERSION." (from "The Restoration & Conversion of the Jews" MTP, Vol 10, Year 1864, pg 429, Ezekiel 37:1-10 (age 30).

ED. NOTE -- Some of Spurgeon's writings, are published from time to time by many publishers, but perhaps the publisher who prints the widest variety, all or nearly all of Spurgeon's works, is Pilgrim Publications, in Pasadena, Texas. It is run by Bob Ross, a personable Christian gentleman. Though I disagree with him on some of his Theology, as I have for years, Georgia and I had a very pleasant visit with him at his headquarters some years back. If you want anything of Spurgeon's in hardcopy for your Library, as you should if you're a preacher or student, then Bob Ross is the man to contact.

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