C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
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70. Walking in the light.

O house of Jacob, come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord! - Isaiah 2:5.

OH that the literal "house of Jacob" would walk in the light of Jehovah by acknowledging Jesus, who is the Dayspring from on high! Alas, they refuse the light, for the veil is upon their hearts!

Let us pray for the ingathering of the tribes of Israel. Surely "it shall come to pass in the last days" (verse 2).

We will treat at this time of the spiritual Israel, even of the children of God at this hour.

I. HERE IS AN INVITATION. "Come ye, and let us walk in the light of Jehovah."

It is singular that the people of Jehovah should need such an invitation, for it seems natural that they should live in him, rejoice in him, and learn of him, seeing he is their own God.

It is a still more singular invitation in that it comes from the nations to the house of Jacob. The word of the Lord goes forth from Jerusalem, converts the nations, and then returns to the people from whom it first came. The parallel is found when the invitation comes to those of us who are believers:

1. From those to whom we have ministered. How it rewards and encourages us to hear such a call from those who once refused the invitations of the gospel! When there is a move among the dry bones, we hope for the best results.

2. From new converts, who in their burning zeal urge on older saints, and thus create joy, and hint a gentle rebuke.

3. From saints bent on mutual edification. "Come ye, and let us." Here are willing brethren calling to others who are equally willing. Would God we had more of this!

Such invitations as these are healthy signs. We should encourage their production by mutual intercourse upon holy things.

II. LET US ACCEPT THIS INVITATION. "Let us walk in the light of the Lord."

· No other light is comparable to it; especially for the Lord's own people. Jehovah should be the light of Jacob.

· No other walking is so safe, so gladsome.

· No other people are so able to walk in the light of God: their eyes are opened, their feet are strengthened,' their hearts are purified, their actions suit the day.

1. In this light we find certainty for the mind.

· Reason makes guesses, or confesses that she knows nothing.

· Fanaticism dotes on dreams and superstitions.

· Human authority blunders.

· Revelation alone is sure, infallible, unalterable. All other light darkness when compared with it.

2. In this light we find rest for the conscience.

· We see Jesus, his blood, and the perfect pardon which it procures.

· We see his perfect righteousness covering us, and making us comely before God.

3. In this light we find direction for the judgment.

· We see sin, love, providence, the future, etc. in their true colors, and know how to act in reference to them.

· We learn to know the right way, and the wise course.

· We discover the hidden snares, and are led to avoid them.

4. In this light we find delight for the soul.

· In the purposes of the Lord. "Predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son."

· In our personal condition in Christ. "Complete in him."

· In the dealings of our Father's hand. "All things work together for good to them that love God," etc.

· In the struggling which goes on within, which as a symptom of grace yields us comfortable hope. v· In the future of death and eternity, which else would distress us.

5. In this light we find communion for the heart.

· We see God, and feel perfect peace.

· We see grace within, and enjoy full assurance.

· We see Jesus, and are in conscious union with him.

· We feel the Spirit of God, and are workers with him.

· We see the saints, and delight in their graces.

Beloved hearers, may the Holy Spirit lead you:

· To enter into the light of God.

· To remain in it, walking therein quietly from day to day.

· To make progress in it, walking onward toward perfection.

Come ye, and let us even now walk together in this light.

It shines perpetually, and we are the children of light.

Living in it here will prepare us for enjoying it in all its glorious brightness, where "the Lamb is the light."

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