C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
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69. Invitation to a Conference.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. - Isaiah 1:18.

THE sinful condition of men is terrible in the extreme. This is set forth vividly in previous verses of the chapter. They are altogether alienated from their God.

God himself interposes to produce a change. The proposal of peace is always from his side. He urges that a conference be held at once, "Come, and let us reason together."

That conference is to be held at once: "Come now," for the danger is too great to admit of a moment's delay. God is urgent; let us not procrastinate.

In our text we have:


Sinful men do not care to think, consider, and look matters in the face; yet to this distasteful duty they are urged.

If they reason, they rather reason against God than together with him; but here the proposal is not to discuss, but to treat with a view to reconciliation.

This also ungodly hearts decline.

1. They prefer to attend to ceremonial observances. Outward performances are easier, and do not require thought.

2. Yet the matter is one which demands most serious discussion, and deserves it; for God, the soul, heaven, and hell are involved in it. Never was wise counsel more desirable.

3. No good can come of neglecting to consider it. It is one of those matters which will never drift the right way of itself.

4. It is most gracious on the Lord's part to suggest a conference. Kings do not often invite criminals to reason with them.

5. The invitation is a pledge that he desires peace, is willing to forgive, and anxious to set us right.

6. The appointment of the immediate present as the time for the reasoning together is a proof of generous wisdom. "Just as thou art," come to God in Christ, just as he is. Love invites thee in all thy sin and misery.


l. The one main ground of difference is honestly mentioned, "though your sins be as scarlet." God calls the most glaring sinners to come to him, knowing them to be such.

2. This ground of difference God himself will remove, "they shall be as white as snow." He will forgive, and so end the quarrel.

3. He will remove the offense perfectly, "as snow — as wool."

· He will remove for ever the guilt of sin.

· He will discharge the penalty of sin.

· He will destroy the dominion of sin.

· He will prevent the return of sin.

4. He explains by his own Word how this is done.

· Free forgiveness obliterating guilt.

· Full atonement averting punishment.

· Regeneration by the Spirit breaking the power of sin.

· Constant sanctification forbidding its return.

See, then, the way of your return to God made easy.

Consider it carefully, and talk with God about it at once.


Each special objection is anticipated.

1. The singular greatness of your sins, "red like crimson." This is met by a great atonement, which cleanses from all sin.

2. The long continuance of your sins. Cloth dyed scarlet has lain long in the dye vat. The blood of Jesus cleanses at once.

3. The light against which your sins were committed. This puts a glaring color upon them. But "all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men."

4. The grieving of the Holy Spirit. Even this is removed by Jesus.

5. The failure of your attempts to whiten your soul. Crimson and scarlet cannot be removed by the art of man; but the Lord saith, "I have blotted out thy sins."

6. The despair which your sins create: they are so glaring that they are ever before you, yet they shall be washed out by the blood of the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Come now. Your minister pleads with you on God's behalf.

Can it be right to slight God's invitation?

What harm can come of a conference with him?

Must it not be right to be reconciled with your Maker?

What if this day should see you made "white as snow"?

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