65. The Word of a King. Where the word of a king is, there is power. - Ecclesiastes 8:4. KINGS were autocratic in Solomon's day. We may be glad that we are not under bondage to any absolute monarch, but enjoy the blessings of constitutional government. We are by no means slow to say to any one of our governors, "What doest thou?" And such a question, wisely put, is good both for him and for us. God alone is rightfully sovereign without limit. He is King in the most absolute sense; and so it should be; for he is supremely good, wise, just, holy, etc. As he is Maker of all, dominion over his creatures is a matter of natural right. He has infinite power wherewith to carry out his royal will. Even in his least word there is omnipotence. Let us consider this — I. TO EXCITE OUR AWE. Let us carefully think of — 1. His creating word, by which all things arose out of nothing. 2. His preserving word, by which all things abide. 3. His destroying word, by which he will shake earth and heaven. 4. His word of prerogative by which he kills and makes alive. 5. His word of everlasting promise, which is our comfort. 6. His word of terrible threatening, which is our warning. 7. His word of prophecy and fore-ordination, which is a great deep, full of solemn teaching to the lowly in heart. Who can stand before any of these without trembling adoration? Power attends them to the fullest degree, for each one is the word of a King. II. TO ENSURE OUR OBEDIENCE. l. No divine command is to be treated as non-essential, for it is the word of Jehovah, the King. See verses 2 and 3. 2. Each precept is to be obeyed at once, heartily, to the full, by every one, since the King commands. 3. His service must not be shunned, for that were to rebel against our Sovereign. Jonah did not find this succeed: for the Lord will not be trifled with, and will make runaways know that his arm is long. 4. Disobedience is to be repented of. If we have fallen into sin, let the King's word have a gracious power to subdue us to hearty grief. III. TO INSPIRE OUR CONFIDENCE. 1. That he is able to give to the penitent, pardon; for he has promised in his word to do so. 2. That he will give to the believing, power to renew their lives. "He sent his word, and healed them" is true, spiritually. 3. That he will give to the tempted, power to overcome temptation. God ensures the believer's victory over every assault of Satan through the word. This weapon Jesus used in the wilderness. 4. That he will give to the suffering, power to endure with patience, and to gather profit from the trial. 5. That he will give to the dying, hope, peace, beatific vision, etc. One word from the Lord of life robs death of its sting. IV. TO DIRECT OUR CHRISTIAN EFFORT. 1. In all we do we should respect the King's word. Churches should own Christ's headship, obey his laws, and acknowledge no other lawgiver. This would be a source of power, as the opposite is the cause of weakness. 2. We must look nowhere else for power. Education, oratory, music, wealth, ceremonialism are weakness itself, if depended on. 3. We must rely upon the word of our King as the instrument of power whenever we seek to do works in his name. · Preach it: for nothing else will break hard hearts, comfort the despairing, beget faith, or produce holiness. · Plead it in prayer: for the Lord will surely keep his own promises, and put forth his power to make them good. · Receive it into our mind and heart: for where divine truth is treasured, there will be a wealth of spiritual power. · Practice it: for none can gainsay a life which is ordered according to the precepts of the Lord. An obedient life is full of a power before which men and devils do homage. 4. We shall see its power in various ways. · Gathering congregations. After all, the many do not go to listen to mere human teachings, but the cross attracts everywhere. · Gaining true converts. No conversion is worth anything unless it is wrought by the word of truth. · Keeping such converts to the end. The incorruptible seed alone produces an incorruptible life. · Order is created and preserved in the church by God's word. · Saints are instructed, edified, sanctified, and fed by the word. · Love, joy, peace, and every grace are begotten and fostered by the word. · Read much the royal word · Speak more than ever the King's word, which is the gospel of peace. · Believe in the word of King Jesus, and be bold to defend it. · Bow before it, and be patient and happy. |
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