C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
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41. Rebelling Against The Light.

They are of those that rebel against the light. - Job 24:13.

These evidently had the light, and this should be esteemed as no small privilege, since to wander on the dark mountains is a terrible curse. Yet this privilege may turn into an occasion of evil.

Most of us have received light in several forms, such as instruction, conscience, reason, revelation, experience, the Holy Spirit. The degree of light differs, but we have each received some measure thereof.

Light has a sovereignty in it, so that to resist it is to rebel against it. God has given it to be a display of himself, for God is light; and he has clothed it with a measure of his majesty and power of judgment.

Rebellion against light has in it a high degree of sin. It might be virtue to rebel against darkness, but what shall be said of those who withstand the light, resisting truth, holiness, and knowledge?


· Well-instructed persons, who have been accustomed to teach others, and yet turn aside to evil: these are grievous traitors.

· Children of Christian parents who sin against their early training; upon whom prayer and entreaty, precept and example are thrown away.

· Hearers of the word, who quench convictions deliberately, frequently, and with violence.

· Men with keen moral sense, who rush on, despite the reins of conscience which should restrain them.

· Lewd professors who, nevertheless, talk orthodoxy and condemn others, thereby assuredly pronouncing their own doom.


· Some refuse light, being unwilling to know more than would be convenient; therefore they deny themselves time for thought, absent themselves from sermons, neglect godly reading, shun pious company, avoid reproof, etc.

· Others scoff and fight against it, calling light darkness, and darkness light. Infidelity, ribaldry, persecution, and such like, become their resort and shelter.

· Persons run contrary to it in their lives; of set purpose, or through willful carelessness. Walking away from the light is rebelling against it. Setting up your own wishes in opposition to the laws of morality and holiness, is open revolt against the light.

· Many presume upon their possession of light, imagining that knowledge and orthodox belief will save them.

· Many darken it for others, hindering its operations among men, hiding their own light under a bushel, ridiculing the efforts of others, etc.

· All darkness is a rebellion against light. Let us "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness."


· To have the light removed.

· To lose eyes to see it even when present.

· To remain unforgiven, as culprits blindfolded for death, as those do who resist the light of the Holy Spirit.

· To sin with tenfold guilt, with awful willfulness of heart.

· To descend for ever into that darkness which increases in blackness throughout eternity.


· Light is our best friend, and it is wisdom to obey it: to resist it is to rebel against our own interest.

· Light triumphs still. Owls hoot, but the moon shines. Opposition to truth and righteousness is useless; it may even promote that which it aims to prevent.

· Light would lead to more light. Consent to it, for it will be beneficial to your own soul.

· Light would lead to heaven, which is the center of light.

· Light even here would give peace, comfort, rest, holiness, and communion with God.

· Let us not rebel against light, but yield to its lead; yea, leap forward to follow its blessed track.

· Let us become the allies of light, and spread it. It is a noble thing to live as light-bearers of "the Lord and Giver of Light."

· Let us walk in the light, as God is in the light; and so our personal enjoyment will support our Life-work. Light must be our life if our life is to be light.

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