C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
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206. The Fallen Asleep.

Some are fallen asleep. - 1 Corinthians 15:6.

YES, the companions of Jesus died one by one. Consider the great value of such men and of all good men to the church and the loss caused by their removal.

Yet, no word of lamentation is used. It is not said that they have perished or passed into the land of shades, but that "they are fallen asleep."

The spirit is with Jesus in glory; the body rests till his appearing.

"Fallen asleep" suggests a very different idea from that which distressed the minds of the heathen when they thought of death.


1. An act of the most natural kind: "fallen asleep."

· It is the fit ending of a weary day.

· It is not painful, but the end of pain.

· It is so desirable that, if denied, we should pray for it.

· It is most sweet when the place of our sleep is Jesus.

2. A state of which rest is the main ingredient.

3. A position of safety from a thousand dangers such as beset the pilgrim, the worker, the warrior.

4. A condition by no means destructive.

· Neither sleep nor death destroys existence nor even injures it.

· Neither sleep nor death should be viewed as an evil.

5. A posture full of hope.

· We shall awake from this sleep.

· We shall awake without difficulty.

· We shall arise greatly refreshed.


1. How did we treat those who are now asleep?

· Did we value their living presence, work, and testimony?

· Ought we not to be more kind to those who are yet alive?

2. How can we make up for the loss caused by their sleep?

· Should we not fill their vacant places?

· Should we not profit by their examples?

3. How fit that we also should be prepared to fall asleep!

· Is our house in order?

· Is our heart in order?

· Is our Christian work in order?

4. How much better that the faithful should fall asleep than that the wicked should die in their sins!

5. How patiently should we bear up under the labors and sufferings of the day, since there remaineth a rest for the people of God!


1. The sleepers are yet ours, even as those in the house who are asleep are numbered with the rest of the inhabitants.

· They have the same life in them which dwells in us.

· They are part of the same family. "We are seven."

· They make up one church. "One church above, beneath."

2. The sleepers will yet awake.

· Their Father's voice will arouse them.

· They shall be awake indeed, full of health and energy.

· They shall have new clothes to dress in.

· They shall not again fall asleep.

3. The sleepers and ourselves will enjoy sweet fellowship.

· Sleep does not destroy the love of brothers and sisters now.

· We shall arise as one unbroken family, saved in the Lord.

Let us not hopelessly sorrow over those asleep.

Let us not ourselves sleep till bedtime comes.

Let us not fear to sleep in such good company.

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