C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
preacher who has lived since New Testament days! - Webmaster
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 Are You Feeding Sheep Or Entertaining Goats? - Spurgeon

131. The Making Of Men-catchers.

And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. - Matthew 4:19.

CONVERSION is most fully displayed when it leads converts to seek the conversion of others: we most truly follow Christ when we become fishers of men.

The great question is not so much what we are naturally, as what Jesus makes us by his grace: whoever we may be of ourselves, we can, by following Jesus, be made useful in his kingdom.

Our desire should be to be men-catchers; and the way to attain to that sacred art is to be ourselves thoroughly captured by the great Head of the College of Fishermen. When Jesus draws us we shall draw men.


1. We must be separated to him, that we may pursue his object.

· We cannot follow him unless we leave others (Matt. 6:4).

· We must belong to him, that his design may be our design.

2. We must abide with him, that we may catch his spirit. The closer our communion with Christ, the greater our power with souls. Near following means full fellowship.

3. We must obey him, that we may learn his method.

· Teach what he taught (Matt. 28:20).

· Teach as he taught (Matt. 11:29; 1 Thess. 2:7).

· Teach such as he taught, namely, the poor, the base, children, etc.

4. We must believe him, that we may believe true doctrine.

· Christ's own teaching catches men; let us repeat it.

· Faith in Jesus on our part is a great force to beget faith.

5. We must copy his life, that we may win his blessing from God; for God blesses those who are like his Son.

II. SOMETHING TO BE DONE BY HIM. "I will make you."

Our following Jesus secures our education for soul-winning.

1. By our following Jesus he works conviction and conversion in men; he uses our example as a means to this end.

2. By our discipleship the Lord makes us fit to be used.

· True soul-winners are not self-made, but Christ-made.

· The making of men-catchers is a high form of creation.

3. By our personal experience in following Jesus he instructs us till we become proficient in the holy art of soul-winning.

4. By inward monitions he guides us what, when, and where to speak.

· These must be followed up carefully if we would win men.

5. By his Spirit he qualifies us to reach men.

· The Spirit comes to us by our keeping close to Christ.

6. By his secret working on men's hearts he speeds us in our work.

· He makes us true fishers by inclining men to enter the gospel net.

III. A FIGURE INSTRUCTING US. "Fishers of men. " The man who saves souls is like a fisher upon the sea.

1. A fisher is dependent and trustful.

2. He is diligent and persevering.

3. He is intelligent and watchful.

4. He is laborious and self-denying.

5. He is daring, and is not afraid to venture upon a dangerous sea.

6. He is successful. He is no fisher who never catches anything.

See the ordination of successful ministers. They are made, not born: made by God, and not by mere human training.

See how we can partake in the Lord's work, and be specimens of his workmanship: "Follow me, and I will make you."

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