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"That Love Which Is Of God"


1Duane E. Spencer, Key Words Which Unlock Scripture, (Word of Grace, San Antonio, Texas) (undated work) p.1.
2Ibid. p.1.
3Ibid. p.2.
4Ibid. p.3.
5Ibid. p.5.
6W.E. Vine, Vine¹s Expository of New Testament Words, (River-side Book and Bible House, Iowa Falls, Iowa) p.693
7Haldor Lillenas, ³Wonderful Grace of Jesus² (Hope Publishing Co.),
1946, p.263.
8Dr.A.H.Strong, Strong¹s Exhaustive Concordance, (Abingdon Press, reprint) 1967, p.575 and p.638.
9Dr.Joseph H. Thayer, Thayer¹s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, (Baker Book House) 1979 reprint. p.3 and p.353.
10I John 3:16
11 John 3:16
12 Matthew 27:36
13 Hebrews 13:13
14 Psalm 46:10
15 Acts 6:3
16 Acts 6:4
17 I Corinthians 13:1-3
18 I John 3:16
19 John 3:16
20 Romans 5:8
21 John 3:16
22 P.P.Bliss, Wonderful Words of Life, (All American Church Hymnal, John T. Benson Publishing Co., Nashville, Tennessee) p. 347.
23 I John 3:16
24 Revelation 2:1-6
25 Vance Havner, Repent or Else, (Fleming H. Revell Company) p. 26.
26 Duane E. Spencer, The Seven Epistles of Jesus, (Word of Grace, San Antonio, Texas) p. 180
27 Dr. William Orr, Revelation Clear . . . Plain, (Grace Gospel Fellow-ship, Temple City, California)
28 Edward Dennett, The Visions of John in Patmos, (Ralph E. Welch Foundaton, Orange, California) p. 28.
29 Dr. Lehman Strauss, The Book of Revelation, (Loizeaus Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey) p. 37.
30 II Corinthians 7:1


Adams, Jay E. Godliness Through Discipline, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Nutley, N.J. 1972

Adams, Olin, Various taped and untaped messages.

Applezweig, Norman, Sex Without Fear, Lear Publishers, Inc., New York, N.Y. 1972

Benson, Dan, The Total Man, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, Wheaton, Ill. 1977

Berry, George Ricker, A New Greek-English New Testament Lexicon, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich 1971

Davidson, Ralph, A Taste of Paradise, Morris Printong Co., Waterloo, Iowa 1970

Dennet, Edward, The Visions of John in Patmos, Church Press, Glendale, CA, undated

Dillow, Joseph C., Solomon on Sex, Thomas Nelson, Inc., New York, NY 1977

Dobson, James, Hide and Seek, Fleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan, NY 1979

Finney, Charles, True Saints, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MIich1967

The Self Willed Child, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL 1978

Gibbs, Norman, Rees Howell¹s Intercessor, Christian Lit. Crusade, Ft Washington, PA 1967

Hardesty, Margary, Forever My Love, Harvest House Publishers, Irvine, CA 1975

Hendricks, Howard, Heaven Help The Home, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL 1973

Hyles, Jack, Various taped and printed messages.

Woman, the Completer, Hyles Anderson Publishers, Hammond, Ind 1981

How to Raise Infants, Hyles Anderson Publishers, Hammond, Ind 1979

How to Rear Children, Hyles Anderson Publishers, Hammond, Ind 1978

How to Rear Teenagers, Hyles Anderson Publishers, Hammond, Ind 1978

Johnson, Ronald, Hugs, Hurdles and Happiness, No publisher or address given, 1976

Kelly, William, Lectures on the Holy Spirit, Church Press, Glendale, CA undated

Kesner, J.W., Love, Courtship and Marriage, Baptist Sunday School Committee, Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. 1963

LaHaye, Timothy, Spirit Controlled Family Living, Fleming H. Revell, Old Tappan, NJ 1978

Understanding the Male Temperament, Fleming H. Revell, Old Tappan, NJ 1977

The Unhappy Gays, Tyndale House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Mich 1976

Transformed Temperaments, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL 1971

How to Win Over Depression, Zonderban Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich 1974

Lovender, John Allen, Your Marriage Needs Three Love Affairs, Accent Books, Denver, CO 1978

MacNeil, John, The Spirit-Filled Life, Fleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan, NJ 1986

McDonald, Cleveland, Creating a Successful Christian Marriage, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich 1975

Miles, Herbert J., Sexual Happiness in Marriage, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich 1967

Nee, Watchman, The Spiritual Man, Christian Fellowship Pub., New York, NY 1968

Newell, William R., The Book of Revelation, Moody Press, Chicago, IL 1935

Orr, William W., Revelation, Clear and Plain, Grace Gospel Fellowship, Temple City, CA 1965

Rice, John R., Divorce the Wreck of Mariage, Sword of the Lord Pub., Murfreesboro, TN 1946

The Home, Courtship, Marriage and Children, Sword of the Lord Pub., Murfreesboro, TN 1946

St. John, James A., God¹s Outlines for a Happy Home, Town East Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX undated

Spencer, Duane, The Seven Epistles of Jesus, The Word of Grace, San Antonio, TX 1967

Strauss, Lehman, The Book of Revelation, Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, NJ 1977

Strong, James, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 1967

Thayer, Joseph, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Baker Book Hosue, Grand Rapids, Mich 1954

Vine, W.E., An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Riverside Book and Bible House, Iowa Falls, IA 1954

Walvoord, John F., The Holy Spirit, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich 1954

Westwood, Tom, The Christian Household, The Ralph E. Foundation, Orange, CA undated

Wheat, Ed, Intended for Pleasure, Fleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan, NJ 1977