I'm greedy. I want to live in a country where everyone does it
my way. Enough about personal freedoms and the second amendment, you are too stupid
to deserve them. I want the government to take charge of your lives completely
and tell you what to do - - - all the time, in every circumstance.
I want this because I don't want to think. I want to wake up, go about my pathetic life without having to exercise my brain about anything other than MTV and Starbuck's coffee. And more importantly, I want the absolute power to hold you to my miserable standards.
Gun control means the end of crime as we know it. I am sure that all criminals, once hearing the gun confiscation call from the government, will turn in their weapons and become the decent citizens I know they really are. Killing, robbery, burglary, rape, car jacking and racial hatred will all become a thing of the past - - - instantly.
I want MTV to replace the nightly news. Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and Peter
Jennings aren't nearly as good at brainwashing ignoramuses like you as
Snoop, Barbara, Liz, Arianna, John & Yoko, and the rest of the people in
Hollywood who really care about us and want to help us.
I want to live in a country where a common citizen can be planted in the
audience during a presidential debate and ask "how can you serve our
needs", and then have every blathering jerkwater TV reporter go ooooo!
aaaaah! at the sensitive answers the candidates give.
I want to live in a country where people who think like I do rule all
things and where there is no other voice. I want to live where those that
disagree with my point of view are ostracized by the government and the
media in a grand chorus until everyone loathes and fears them, and wants
them condemned as a hate group.
I want Jerry, Geraldo, Jenny, Ricki and Oprah to be our spiritual leaders.
After all, the world has changed, so why shouldn't our spiritual beliefs.
What's with all this fuss about morality. It should be left up to the
individual to decide for themselves what morality is. (Assuming of course
that it will naturally conform to my vision.)
I want to live in a world where every police officer is in charge of
enforcing the law, morality, and public conduct, since they will be the
only ones who have the guns. They will tell you right from wrong and
you'll have to obey them. They only shoot bad people who have it coming
and you don't want do be one, do you? (Of course if you're sleeping in
your car and they wake you up then shoot you that's OK since it is an
honest mistake on their part.)
Just pay your taxes, trudge to work, keep your head down and your mouth
shut and everyone will get along fine. Just do it my way.