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The Gospel 24/7
REFLECTED LIGHT----------------------
Near Death Testimonies of Some Old Time Believers
------------------------LORD TEIGNMOUTH

From An Antique Book in Webmaster's Library - Editor Unknown
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"I too, with Thee, shall walk in white,
With all thy saints shall prove,
What is the length, and breadth, and height
And depth of perfect love."

" 'Tis life, eternal life, to know
The heavenly Person's mine;
Father, and Son, and Spirit bestow
That precious faith divine!

A Trinity in Unity
My soul shall then adore;
And love and praise and worship thee,
Jehovah, evermore."

"Having read, with much admiration, the writings of the Rev. Henry Blunt, Lord Teignmouth expressed a wish to become acquainted with him. That devoted servant of Christ supplied the following account of his interviews with his Lordship.

" 'Some of the first things that Lord Teignmouth said to me were, as near as I can recollect, of this nature: 'I am anxious to know whether you think I am right. I depend upon nothing in myself. I know I am a poor, helpless sinner; and I trust entirely to my gracious Saviour. I depend only on what he has done for me. My whole life has been a life of mercies. I am surrounded by mercies. Few have spent so happy a life as mine has been; but I am not half grateful enough for it."

" 'The last time I saw Lord Teignmouth, almost as soon as I had sat down, he said: "Mr. Blunt, I will tell you what I was just thinking of. It describes my state at present, for I do not think I have much longer to remain here. But this is what I am doing: 'I am looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.'" He quoted these verses with remarkable accuracy and feeling, as if they had long been written upon his heart; and then added something to this effect: "I have no hope but in Christ Jesus, in his sacrifice, in his blood, in his righteousness. What could all the world do for me now, so great a sinner as I am, and so helpless? What could save me but my gracious Redeemer?" . . . He said to me, with solemn emphasis, "It is my continual prayer that I may be always looking to him, who of God, is made unto me wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption; and that, delivered from the guilt of sin by his atoning blood, clothed with the robe of his righteousness, and partaking of the blessed and sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit, I may be permitted to join hereafter 'with angels, and archangels, and all the company of heaven, in lauding and magnifying God's holy name, evermore praising him, and saying, Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory: glory be to thee, O Lord most High.' "

"'He said to me a few days afterwards: "I loathe and detest every species and every degree of sin, as the transgression of the divine law, and as an offence committed against the majesty and holiness of God. I trust that I do indeed repent of all my transgressions. But I do not trust in my repentance. No! I look only to the blood of Jesus for pardon and for peace."

" 'And on the Sunday before his death, he said to his beloved partner and his children: "I feel that I am resting upon the Right Foundation; and I can now leave you all rejoicing."

" 'Upon reviewing his past life, he invariably ascribed it to the Lord's mercies that he had been graciously spared to such an advanced age to declare his faithfulness and his salvation. And it may be said, without any exaggeration, that for many years a sense of the divine goodness was never for a moment absent from his thoughts. He knew also from his own joyful experience, that all things do indeed work together for good to them that love God; and it was under the sweet persuasion of this blessed and consolatory truth, that he repeatedly said to his old and faithful servants, as they were rendering him any little offices for his comfort and refreshment: "It is my duty to be as thankful for my ufferings, as for all my other mercies.'"

"His end, in the language of his spiritual advisers, February 14, 1834, was evidently approaching this night. He was full of sweetness and full of thankfulness to God and to all around him. * * * * * *

'Charles placed him comfortably in bed, and in that very position he fell asleep in Jesus at half past nine. We commended his soul to his Redeemer, with some of the family, at nine; and I repeated the Commendatory Prayer immediately afterwards, by his bed-side. In twenty minutes afterwards he ceased to breathe, and his soul entered into its rest.' "

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