Ranking of top 25 Persecuting Countries Against Christions.
Number before name is 2007 rank, while number after name is 2006 rank. Saudia Arabia and Iran consistently rank among the worst!
1. North Korea 1
2. Saudi Arabia 2
3. Iran 3
4. Somalia 4
5. Maldives 5
6. Yemen 8
7. Bhutan 6
8. Vietnam 7
9. Laos 9
10. Afghanistan 11
11. Uzbekistan 12
12. China 10
13. Eritrea 14
14. Turkmenistan 13
15. Comoros 15
16. Chechnya
17. Pakistan 16
18. Egypt 17
19. Myanmar (Burma) 18
20. Sudan 1
21. Iraq 23
22. Azerbaijan 19
23. Brunei 21
24. Cuba 24
25. Qatar 33
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