Pastor Jerry Locke
Great Selection Of Sermons And Bible Studies On
Stewardship, Famous Failures,
Revelations, Brokenness,
The Cross, and Stand
Alone Sermons
By Jerry Locke

4445 Hodgkins Rd. - Ft. Worth, TX 76135
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Every Day On
The GospelWeb

5 SERMONS ON STEWARDSHIP Sermon 1 - The Exhortation On Giving
Sermon 2 - The Example of Giving Sermon 3 - The Excuses for Not Giving
Sermon 4 - The Eminent Giver of All Sermon 5 - The Elements of Giving

Go To 22 Sermons On The Cross
Go To 10 Sermons On Brokenness
Go To 13 Studies On Revelation
Go To 11 Studies On Famous Failures


1 - John 3:16: "The World’s Greatest Text"

2 - Galatians 2:20: "A Living Scripture"

3 - "Galatians 6:9: The Greatest Single Verse for Defeating Discouragement"

4 - "1 Corinthians 10:13: The Greatest Single Verse for Victory Over Temptation"

5 - "Philippians 4:19 --- A Single, Stirring Stewardship Scripture"

6 - "Romans 1:16 --- A Single, Stirring Saving Scripture"

7 - "Romans 8:28 --- The Greatest Single Verse of Comfort in a Confusing World"

8 - "1 John 1:9 --- The Single Most Needed Scripture For The Christian"

9 - "Isaiah 45:22 --- The Single Scripture That Made Salvation Plain to Charles Spurgeon"

10 - 2 Chronicles 7:14 - "The Greatest Single Verse for Revival"

11 - 1 Peter 2:2 - "A Single Scripture on Christian Growth"

12 - Jeremiah 33:3 - "A Single, Stand-Alone Scripture on Prayer"

13 - Psalm 27:4 - "A Single Scripture For Staying in Church"

14 - Isaiah 9:6 - "A Single, Stand-Alone Scripture For Christmas"

15 - Matthew 1:23 - "A Single, Stand-Alone Scripture For The Incarnation"

16 - Psalm 118:24 - "A Single, Stand Alone Scripture On Living One Day at a Time"

17 - Malachi 3:10 - "A Single, Stand-Alone Sermon on Tithing"

18 - 2 Corinthians 9:7 - "God's Guidelines For Giving in a Single, Stand-Alone Sermon"

19 - 1 Corinthians 16:2 - "A Single Stand-Alone Verse (On Giving) in Reverse"

20 - Hebrews 12:15 - "The Most Powerful Single, Stand-Alone Scripture on Bitterness"

21 - Isaiah 40:31 - Stand-Alone Sermon On "Waiting"

22 - Ephesians 4:32 - Stand-Alone Sermon On "Relationships"

23 - Proverbs 29:1 - Stand Alone Sermon on "Divine Deadline of Destiny"

24 - Psalm 84:6 - Stand Alone Sermon, "Leave a Well in the Valley"

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