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THIS WORLD WIDE OUTREACH Click for 9 Years of Great Daily Devotions |
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building. We are still reaching out 24/7 world wide! How You Can Help Spread This World Wide Gospel Outreach . . . An easy way to help is to tell your family, friends and even casual acquaintances about our web ministry. (Give them the web address or URL, of course.) There is certainly "something for everybody" with many thousands of pages now up and running, and more being added all the time. There is plenty for young and old, children and seniors, pastors and missionaries, sunday school teachers and all lay men and women. In addition there is a lot of good clean humor, many Bible stories, patriotic articles and poetry --- If you or any of your friends will surf around on our "Gospel Web" you and they will be sure to find a blessing and many things of interest. We also have a lot of good study help materials published in our Home School Helpers section, with Famous Speeches, Historic Documents important to American history, Court Decisions, and more! Try it -- You'll like it! This Gospel Web Ministry is reaching out with a sound gospel witness, accessible to millions of people all over the world. We witness 24 hours per day, every day of the year, continuously. JUST IMAGINE --- with the Gospel Web Ministry it is like distributing millions of tracts covering hundreds of gospel themes and Bible messages all over the world every year, day and night, 7 days a week! We get emails and letters from many parts of the world thanking us for our work, asking to use it in their ministries, etc. Many of these come from third world countries, where real gospel teaching and preaching, as well as the necessities of life itself, are often in short supply. We get many hits also from countries where the gospel has been known for centuries, but real born again salvation knowledge is not common. Both kinds need the gospel message. WILL YOU HELP US CONTINUE TO SEND THE GOSPEL OUT? We believe the task is urgent - Many thousands are dying without Christ, and we appear to be going into a period of even more wars, terrorism, famines, plagues, and other life threatening events than in the past. We live in a dangerous world. You can help. Pray for us. Pray for our work. Encourage your family and friends to surf the "Gospel Web." This is a full time ministry. I do not work at anything else except this ministry, and am dependent on the prayers and support of God's people for the continuation of the work. We invite you to participate with us in this great outreach with Bible truth. If you have a desire to help support this World Wide Gospel Ministry, you should send your Check or M.O. as shown below. You will receive an "Official Receipt" for Tax purposes directly from the Church office. We need your prayers and good will, also. We are a responsible ministry, accountable to our sponsoring Church, which handles all contributions to our ministry. Your contributions go 100% into our web ministry work. If enough people participate, even $5 or $10 will count up, monthly or occasionally. Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to: If you are blessed by our work, send your contribution today, and let us know you pray for us and the gospel web ministry. In spite of efforts to reduce expenses, we are still far short of what is needed to sustain and continue to "grow" the gospel web ministry. We hope to continue to expand and improve the "Gospel Web" over the next few years to tens of thousands of articles, sermons, devotions, Bible stories for children, illustrations, Church Humor, and clean General Humor. We are working always to make it "bigger and better," with helpful materials for any believer. We believe it is already the best all around unaffiliated Baptist site on the world wide web. We now have many thousands of pages up and running, and get well over 2,000,000 "hits" per year regularly, from 170+ different country domains. Since I know that God has led us into this web ministry, I must also logically believe that God has His people out there whom He will lead to provide for the needs on a regular basis. WILL YOU BE ONE? WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW! A successful and very active web ministry such as the "Gospel Web" is like a tract ministry with outreach to millions, all over the world, day and night, every day of the year, and much more efficient dollar for dollar than paper tracts or paper Bible Studies. We invite you to use and enjoy our work on the web, in your own ministry or daily living. And at the same time think whether God would have you to help support this on a regular or an occasional basis. Please pray for this work, and for us personally as we continue working steadily in the service of our coming King! This is a continuing ministry of the late Dr. James H. Dearmore, a missionary for 33 years in Africa, and Gospel Web founder. James Dearmore III, Webmaster, Editor |
More on Hopes and Aims For This Ministry
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![]() and Best Viewed at 1024X768 33 yrs in Africa, now web publishing, Mission Conferences. | "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel." - - Mark 1:15 | GOSPELWEB: E-Mail Webmaster RODGERS BAPTIST: office@rodgersbaptist.net © 2007: Jim Dearmore |