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Gospel Web 24/7
By Joseph Harris
Defense of Modesty and Morality
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Editorial - Published On GospelWeb 2/15/12: @ http:/www.gospelweb.net


Kylie Bisutti has made a wise and Godly, decision. The top model for Victoria’s Secret Lingerie has decided to stop showing her body to the world and instead honor God and her husband by covering up. As Kylie was interviewed on ABC’s Good Morning America, she told how she struggled with this issue and that God convicted her of showing her body in modeling. Glory be! How refreshing to see a high profile person who is a professing Christian, do something compatible with Christianity. Now how far will she go in covering herself? I don’t know, but at least she has begun on the road to modesty.

Leonard Ravenhill, used to refer to this “sex soaked, sin scorched society” in which we live and as usual, he was right on it. Nakedness is common place………..among professing Christians. Never mind the world. I expect it there. But among those who name the name of Christ, there should be a difference. I cringe when I hear some popular entertainer speak of Jesus, then stand up and sing and gyrate, dressed like some pagan around a fire about to offer human sacrifice. Doesn’t Christ make a difference? “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17.

A transformation that does not transform and a profession with no possession is a sham. The apostle Paul in the preceding statement does not say that after being in Christ, we might be, should be, ought to be, a new creature. He plainly states that when we are IN Christ we are new, and new means we are different than before. Paul does not state that we are perfect, but he does say they are different. When the holy God of the universe produces a new birth in an individual’s heart, things change. The things they once loved, they begin to hate and the things they once hated, they begin to love. New means new. As the new believer begins to grow inwardly, change becomes more evident. They begin to struggle with the things of this world, as Kylie did. Her struggle on this issue is over. In the interview, she exhibited peace with God over her decision.

So I say to Kylie, hang in there. It won’t be easy. The world and most of professing Christianity just won’t get it and will think you strange and deranged for giving up your dream. Don’t get discouraged. As you cover your body from those who shouldn’t see it, now you can reveal Christ to the world as never before.

Joseph Harris is the Vice President of Southeastern Baptist College in Laurel, MS. (This article may be reprinted in whole, as long as the name Joseph Harris and www.miniedition.net also appear).