CHAPTER VIIAn Account of the Life and Persecutions of John WickliffeIt will not be inappropriate to devote a few pages of this work
to a brief detail of the lives of some of those men who first
stepped forward, regardless of the bigoted power which opposed
all reformation, to stem the time of papal corruption, and to
seal the pure doctrines of the Gospel with their blood.
Among these, Great Britain has the honor of taking the lead, and
first maintaining that freedom in religious controversy which
astonished Europe, and demonstrated that political and religious
liberty are equally the growth of that favored island. Among the
earliest of these eminent persons was
This celebrated reformer, denominated the "Morning Star of
the Reformation," was born about the year 1324, in the reign
of Edward II. Of his extraction we have no certain account. His
parents designing him for the Church, sent him to Queen's College,
Oxford, about that period founded by Robert Eaglesfield, confessor
to Queen Philippi. But not meeting with the advantages for study
in that newly established house which he expected, he removed
to Merton College, which was then esteemed one of the most learned
societies in Europe.
The first thing which drew him into public notice, was his defence
of the university against the begging friars, who about this time,
from their settlement in Oxford in 1230, had been troublesome
neighbors to the university. Feuds were continually fomented;
the friars appealing to the pope, the scholars to the civil power;
and sometimes one party, and sometimes, the other, prevailed.
The friars became very fond of a notion that Christ was a common
beggar; that his disciples were beggars also; and that begging
was of Gospel institution. This doctrine they urged from the pulpit
and wherever they had access.
Wickliffe had long held these religious friars in contempt for
the laziness of their lives, and had now a fair opportunity of
exposing them. He published a treatise against able beggary, in
which he lashed the friars, and proved that they were not only
a reproach to religion, but also to human society. The university
began to consider him one of their first champions, and he was
soon promoted to the mastership of Baliol College.
About this time, Archbishop Islip founded Canterbury Hall, in
Oxford, where he established a warden and eleven scholars. To
this wardenship Wickliffe was elected by the archbishop, but upon
his demise, he was displaced by his successor, Stephen Langham,
bishop of Ely. As there was a degree of flagrant injustice in
the affair, Wickliffe appealed to the pope, who subsequently gave
it against him from the following cause: Edward III, then king
of England, had withdrawn the tribune, which from the time of
King John had been paid to the pope. The pope menaced; Edward
called a parliament. The parliament resolved that King John had
done an illegal thing, and given up the rights of the nation,
and advised the king not to submit, whatever consequences might
The clergy now began to write in favor of the pope, and a learned
monk published a spirited and plausible treatise, which had many
advocates. Wickliffe, irritated at seeing so bad a cause so well
defended, opposed the monk, and did it in so masterly a way that
he was considered no longer as unanswerable. His suit at Rome
was immediately determined against him; and nobody doubted but
his opposition to the pope, at so critical a period, was the true
cause of his being non-suited at Rome.
Wickliffe was afterward elected to the chair of the divinity professor:
and now fully convinced of the errors of the Romish Church, and
the vileness of its monastic agents, he determined to expose them.
In public lectures he lashed their vices and opposed their follies.
He unfolded a variety of abuses covered by the darkness of superstition.
At first he began to loosen the prejudices of the vulgar, and
proceeded by slow advances; with the metaphysical disquisitions
of the age, he mingled opinions in divinity apparently novel.
The usurpations of the court of Rome was a favorite topic. On
these he expatiated with all the keenness of argument, joined
to logical reasoning. This soon procured him the clamor of the
clergy, who, with the archbishop of Canterbury, deprived him of
his office.
At this time the administration of affairs was in the hands of
the duke of Lancaster, well known by the name of John of Gaunt.
This prince had very free notions of religion, and was at enmity
with the clergy. The exactions of the court of Rome having become
very burdensome, he determined to send the bishop of Bangor and
Wickliffe to remonstrate against these abuses, and it was agreed
that the pope should no longer dispose of any benefices belonging
to the Church of England. In this embassy, Wickliffe's observant
mind penetrated into the constitution and policy of Rome, and
he returned more strongly than ever determined to expose its avarice
and ambition.
Having recovered his former situation, he inveighed, in his lectures,
against the pope-his usurpation-his infallibility-his pride-his
avarice- and his tyranny. He was the first who termed the pope
Antichrist. From the pope, he would turn to the pomp, the luxury,
and trappings of the bishops, and compared them with the simplicity
of primitive bishops. Their superstitions and deceptions were
topics that he urged with energy of mind and logical precision.
From the patronage of the duke of Lancaster, Wickliffe received
a good benefice; but he was no sooner settled in his parish, than
his enemies and the bishops began to persecute him with renewed
vigor. The duke of Lancaster was his friend in this persecution,
and by his presence and that of Lord Percy, earl marshal of England,
he so overawed the trial, that the whole ended in disorder.
After the death of Edward III his grandson Richard II succeeded,
in the eleventh year of his age. The duke of Lancaster not obtaining
to be the sole regent, as he expected, his power began to decline,
and the enemies of Wickliffe, taking advantage of the circumstance,
renewed their articles of accusation against him. Five bulls were
despatched in consequence by the pope to the king and certain
bishops, but the regency and the people manifested a spirit of
contempt at the haughty proceedings of the pontiff, and the former
at that time wanting money to oppose an expected invasion of the
French, proposed to apply a large sum, collected for the use of
the pope, to that purpose. The question was submitted to the decision
of Wickliffe. The bishops, however, supported by the papal authority,
insisted upon bringing Wickliffe to trial, and he was actually
undergoing examination at Lambeth, when, from the riotous behavior
of the populace without, and awed by the command of Sir Lewis
Clifford, a gentleman of the court, that they should not proceed
to any definitive sentence, they terminated the whole affair in
a prohibition to Wickliffe, not to preach those doctrines which
were obnoxious to the pope; but this was laughed at by our reformer,
who, going about barefoot, and in a long frieze gown, preached
more vehemently than before.
In the year 1378, a contest arose between two popes, Urban VI
and Clement VII which was the lawful pope, and true vicegerent
of God. This was a favorable period for the exertion of Wicliffe's
talents: he soon produced a tract against popery, which was eagerly
read by all sorts of people.
About the end of the year, Wickliffe was seized with a violent
disorder, which it was feared might prove fatal. The begging friars,
accompanied by four of the most eminent citizens of Oxford, gained
admittance to his bed chamber, and begged of him to retract, for
his soul's sake, the unjust things he had asserted of their order.
Wickliffe, surprised at the solemn message, raised himself in
his bed, and with a stern countenance replied, "I shall not
die, but live to declare the evil deeds of the friars."
When Wickliffe recovered, he set about a most important work,
the translation of the Bible into English. Before this work appeared,
he published a tract, wherein he showed the necessity of it. The
zeal of the bishops to suppress the Scriptures greatly promoted
its sale, and they who were not able to purchase copies, procured
transcripts of particular Gospels or Epistles. Afterward, when
Lollardy increased, and the flames kindled, it was a common practice
to fasten about the neck of the condemned heretic such of these
scraps of Scripture as were found in his possession, which generally
shared his fate.
Immediately after this transaction, Wickliffe ventured a step
further, and affected the doctrine of transubstantiation. This
strange opinion was invented by Paschade Radbert, and asserted
with amazing boldness. Wickliffe, in his lecture before the University
of Oxford, 1381, attacked this doctrine, and published a treatise
on the subject. Dr. Barton, at this time vice-chancellor of Oxford,
calling together the heads of the university, condemned Wickliffe's
doctrines as heretical, and threatened their author with excommunication.
Wickliffe could now derive no support from the duke of Lancaster,
and being cited to appear before his former adversary, William
Courteney, now made archbishop of Canterbury, he sheltered himself
under the plea, that, as a member of the university, he was exempt
from episcopal jurisdiction. This plea was admitted, as the university
were determined to support their member.
The court met at the appointed time, determined, at least to sit
in judgment upon his opinions, and some they condemned as erroneous,
others as heretical. The publication on this subject was immediately
answered by Wickliffe, who had become a subject of the archbishop's
determined malice. The king, solicited by the archbishop, granted
a license to imprison the teacher of heresy, but the commons made
the king revoke this act as illegal. The primate, however, obtained
letters from the king, directing the head of the University of
Oxford to search for all heresies and books published by Wickliffe;
in consequence of which order, the university became a scene of
tumult. Wickliffe is supposed to have retired from the storm,
into an obscure part of the kingdom. The seeds, however, were
scattered, and Wickliffe's opinions were so prevalent that it
was said if you met two persons upon the road, you might be sure
that one was a Lollard. At this period, the disputes between the
two popes continued. Urban published a bull, in which he earnestly
called upon all who had any regard for religion, to exert themselves
in its cause; and to take up arms against Clement and his adherents
in defence of the holy see.
A war, in which the name of religion was so vilely prostituted,
roused Wickliffe's inclination, even in his declining years. He
took up his pen once more, and wrote against it with the greatest
acrimony. He expostulated with the pope in a very free manner,
and asks him boldly: 'How he durst make the token of Christ on
the cross (which is the token of peace, mercy and charity) a banner
to lead us to slay Christian men, for the love of two false priests,
and to oppress Christiandom worse than Christ and his apostles
were oppressed by the Jews? 'When,' said he, 'will the proud priest
of Rome grant indulgences to mankind to live in peace and charity,
as he now does to fight and slay one another?'
This severe piece drew upon him the resentment of Urban, and was
likely to have involved him in greater troubles than he had before
experienced, but providentially he was delivered out of their
hands. He was struck with the palsy, and though he lived some
time, yet it was in such a way that his enemies considered him
as a person below their resentment.
Wickliffe returning within short space, either from his banishment,
or from some other place where he was secretly kept, repaired
to his parish of Lutterworth, where he was parson; and there,
quietly departing this mortal life, slept in peace in the Lord,
in the end of the year 1384, upon Silvester's day. It appeared
that he was well aged before he departed, "and that the same
thing pleased him in his old age, which did please him being young."
Wickliffe had some cause to give them thanks, that they would
at least spare him until he was dead, and also give him so long
respite after his death, forty-one years to rest in his sepulchre
before they ungraved him, and turned him from earth to ashes;
which ashes they also took and threw into the river. And so was
he resolved into three elements, earth, fire, and water, thinking
thereby utterly to extinguish and abolish both the name and doctrine
of Wickliffe forever. Not much unlike the example of the old Pharisees
and sepulchre knights, who, when they had brought the Lord unto
the grave, thought to make him sure never to rise again. But these
and all others must know that, as there is no counsel against
the Lord, so there is no keeping down of verity, but it will spring
up and come out of dust and ashes, as appeared right well in this
man; for though they dug up his body, burned his bones, and drowned
his ashes, yet the Word of God and the truth of his doctrine,
with the fruit and success thereof, they could not burn.