Don Heberly
by Bro. Don Heberly
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Colossians 2:6-7

The epistle to the Colossian church was written by Paul as a prisoner in Rome. It bespeaks the apostle's love of the Truth and care for the churches. One should never forget that we are to love the very same as he did.

I find seven segments contained in these two verses. They fall into a natural order:

(1) the first has to do with receiving Christ. In fact it speaks of CHRIST as the promised One; who was promised by the title of "Messiah" in the Old Testament. Jesus is His name - - - a heaven sent messenger told Joseph to name Him Jesus in Matthew 1:20-21, we see the record. And, He is "the LORD" or "MASTER"; He is GOD manifest in the flesh!

(2) ". . . walk ye in him:", vs. 7. In fact, the word "walk" speaks of an ongoing activity - - - maybe best understood as the course of our lifetime. The two words "in him" might suggest that He ought to adorn our actions, thoughts, and goals. Maybe we should understand it, as: 'He ought to be seen in our life'.

(3) We are then to be "...rooted and built up in him, . . ."In a plant two major things start in the roots: they are nutrients and water. The roots form a basis upon which the trunk or stem starts and limbs and leaves of a tree are: "built up" - - - so from bottom to top, we as Christians ought to show Him as the source, and builder of our Christian life.

(4) We are to be "stablished in the faith". "Faith", in this case, surely refers to that "faith which was once delivered unto the saints", Jude 3.

(5) we are to be "taught "- - - and it is a lifelong process.

(6) we are told to abound therein - the faith; "abounding" means up and over the obstacles before us. (7) also, we are to be thankful, or expressing "thanksgiving".

We who know Him in the pardon of our sins, should as new-born babes, experience these seven things in our life. Have we? DDH

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