After Jim was shot in Africa by terrorists!
Missionaries Jim and Georgia Dearmore worked for 8 yrs in Rhodesia, in tribal mission work. In November, 1978, after many escapes, Jim was ambushed by about 50 terrorists in a "double ambush." God performed many miracles that day. Badly wounded, he spent 6 wks in hospital and 3 mos of painful Physical Therapy to restore near normal use of left shoulder, arm, and hand. Picture shows Jim in hospital shortly after ambushes, with blood being given to replace blood loss from multiple gunshot wounds!

We have great memories of Martyrs, Converts, Friends,
and God's rich blessings on us in Tribal Africa!

The "Gospelweb" Sites Are Mission Projects of the late Bro. James Dearmore, Missionary Sponsored by
Rodgers Baptist Church