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Sent by Don Dearmore
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Can you find the names of 25 books of the Bible in this paragraph? This is [a mos1]t re[mark2]able puzzle. Someone found it in the seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolu[lu, ke3]eping himself occupied for hours. One man from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his [john4] boat. Roy Clark studied it while playing his ban[jo. El5]aine Victs mentioned it in her column once. One woman [judges6] the [job7] to be so involving, s[he brews8] a cup of tea to help calm her nerv[es. Ther9]e will be some names that are really easy to spot . . . that’s a f[act. S10]ome people will soon find themselves in a [jam, es11]pecially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. The t[ruth12] is, f[rom ans13]wers we get, we are forced to admi[t it us14] ually takes a minister or scholar to see some of the[m at the w15]orst. Something in our [genes is16] responsible for the difficulty we have. T[hose a17]ble to find all of them will hear great [lamentations18] from those who have to be shown. One [revelation19] may help, books like [Timothy20] and [Samuel21] (as well as Kings, Peter, and John) may occur without their [numbers22]. And punctuation or spaces in the middle are nor[mal. A chi23]pper attitude will help you com[pete. R24]emember, there are 26 books of the Bible lur[king s25]omewhere in this paragraph. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. [John26] 15:13.

NOTES FROM WEBMASTER --- Here we have numbered and marked 26 books. Then, if one remembers the little tricky statement above which says "One revelation may help, books like Timothy and Samuel" (as well as Kings, Peter, and John) "may occur without their numbers", then one could some up with the following books displayed or indicated on this page. Starting with the 26 clearly indicated above, then adding: 26 to [+2nd and 3rd John27 & 28], [+2nd Peter29], [+2nd Timothy30], [+2nd Samuel31], [+2nd Kings32]. And there may be others concealed which I have not yet found. If you find one we have not found, please send me an email clearly indicating where you found it so I may add it to the "answers" on this "25 Books Puzzle" Answers Page (which has now grown to 26, or 32 books if you count the "seconds and thirds" from the Bible books). God bless.

NOTE FROM LAMAR, MISSOURI, REVEALS MORE BOOKS --- I have added 3 more books and their numbers to this since first posting. These names and numbers were discovered and sent to us by a lady in Lamar, Missouri, where a group has been using this puzzle in their Bible study group. Thanks! If anyone finds still more books concealed, let us know.

NOTE FROM SCOTT D. JUNG REVEALS BOOK OF TITUS IN PUZZLE --- I have added that book and corrected a missed number (20, in the answers page) which he called to our attention also. We have added several numbers to this since first posting. If anyone finds still more books concealed, let us know.

NOTE FROM "VAL" IN TEXAS REVEALS BOOK OF MATTHEW IN PUZZLE --- I have added that book, correcting the answers page with this new information. We have added several numbers to this since first posting. If you find still more books concealed, let us know.

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