Jim and Georgia Dearmore -- are shown here in a photo taken IN CONGO 40 odd years ago. Jim is dressed as a chief ("Mfumu") among the Bayaka tribes, and Georgia is dressed as his "kaka mwadi" (means "head wife or No. 1 wife"). And she was both!

The large knife in its scabbard under Jim's right hand is the old Bayaka "head chopping knife" and is a gift from the King of the Bayakas, whose title is 'Kiamfu'. It is the symbol of Chieftainship, and only Chiefs are allowed to wear it. The big ceremonial knife is called 'Mbele Poko'.

Jim is still engaged in full time missionary work after 33 yrs in Africa and 17 yrs now building and still running the "Gospel Web" ministry. We get well
Over Two Million Hits Per Year On Our
gospelweb, From 170+ Countries!
We NEED your prayers and support! Will you pray and support this gospel outreach?
Every day many are presented the old time gospel which draws men to Christ! !
Email: jhdearmore@waymark.net

The "Gospelweb" Sites Are Mission Projects of the late Bro. James Dearmore, Missionary Sponsored by
Rodgers Baptist Church